Let’s play a game … I say an event and you tell me the weather conditions … ready?

CPPS … Surprise surprise – it was round 3 and yes, it was raining, and cold … oh and did I mention “muddy” before? J

This event was a chance for us to secure a podium finish for the series, which was our objective for this year – so we let the proceedings take place. We had not trained the field more than once before the event – and the snake being an old school diamond, was a great change, but again like most of the season turned the field into a very aggressive and T-Bag side heavy layout in our opinion …

So walking the fields that morning was something we really focused on and then came to a very quick conclusion: “One of us players will only coach all day.”
We didn’t have any coach all year up to this point, sure some people on the sidelines we asked to coach, and we appreciated every help we got (big thank you here to Wingnut, Darren, Mr.B and all the others that yelled from the sidelines) – but we started feeling it and realized that there is a need for a proper coach. Reason is (and I know for many players I might be stating the obvious here) there are so many instances, times and moments when you would just like or better NEEDthis one person that is:
Not playing but focusing on all the games / looking from the outside and only focusing on observing /giving you feedback on what they saw that you couldn’t because you were focusing on your game/ kicking you in the back of the head if you do dumb stuff …etc.
Sounds like a crap job, especially if you want to play (besides the “kicking people in the back of the head”  (j/k)), but bottom line of the day with a person like that was: We dropped 2 points out of all games that day. Why, because the coach did his job and we could focus on doing job on the pitch.
Thinking about it and getting sidetracked a bit … I believe this will be the trickiest part for us moving up and getting better in the future by playing higher divisions. We will need an experienced and dedicated coach that WANTS TO work with us and take a team from “out of nowhere” to a Div1/SPL squad. I know this is a few years down the line (if at all) – and we know it is a tough road, but without someone bringing a bit of experience and strategy to the mix, it could become more and more difficult in the future. However, I think everyone on Samurai MV is more looking forward to the actual journey from where we are today to where we will be in 10 years, since in the end – it’s not only about lifting trophy’s and winning bragging rights – it’s all about the ride.
But back to the event …
Like in round 2 we came top of our group and played the final, winning it and with that securing a podium spot for the end of the season. Domination, as a team we’d like to highlight, are a great group of lads and since they are on our tail in spot 2 in the series it is a very healthy and friendly rivalry, looking forward to smash heads with them again very soon … however, all teams are great and we’ve enjoyed the entire series so far (besides the rubbish weather) … this is all not even 9 days before we finally can welcome all teams of the Millennium Series to our Home ground in the UK.
Bas-Vegas, here we come!
P.S. This is our favorite shot of the day from paintballpictures.co.uk.
Thanks for capturing the action again like nobody else does!!!

By Samurai